許久沒看到如此讓人耳目一新的動畫 CG模擬stop motion做得天衣無縫
比起現在無聊的feature animation 這東西精采多了
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
lay off time
it happens in every animators' career, and it is happening now for me.
You start wonder why you choose to be like this......
You start wonder why you choose to be like this......
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
animator is a pathetic animal
Rightnow I am really busy, got tons of shots on my plate. And I don't feel those pain anymore!
Suddenly I am passionate about my work again, I stop complaining because I get to do some cool shots. How pathetic I am, they feed me some good shots and keep me busy and now I work like a crazy dog.
Suddenly I am passionate about my work again, I stop complaining because I get to do some cool shots. How pathetic I am, they feed me some good shots and keep me busy and now I work like a crazy dog.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
誰不愛看帥哥美女演戲呢? 周渝民演的好...張鈞甯的變化太少....但是那陳意涵...實在是太美了
去年的我在墾丁天氣晴, 也是讓我跟老婆非常入戲. 是因為那墾丁的藍天白雲嗎?還是鈕承澤那個浪漫寫意的鏡頭風格? 抑或那青春徬徨與熱情呢?
誰不愛看帥哥美女演戲呢? 周渝民演的好...張鈞甯的變化太少....但是那陳意涵...實在是太美了
去年的我在墾丁天氣晴, 也是讓我跟老婆非常入戲. 是因為那墾丁的藍天白雲嗎?還是鈕承澤那個浪漫寫意的鏡頭風格? 抑或那青春徬徨與熱情呢?
Friday, July 3, 2009
Up (2009) 7/10
大概沒有幾部動畫電影敢做這類內容與手法. 至於後半部似乎是要傳達失去摯愛之後,人生還是要積極地過下去的主題. 結果被那一連串沒有重點的追逐戲跟笑點給稀釋了.
也或許是我自己價值觀跟西方人差距太大,很難認同所謂life has to go on
歸鄉 Vozvrashcheniye (2003) 8/10
Valkyrie (2008) 6/10
導演似乎也只是想呈現一段歷史而並沒有更多的企圖, 我在主角身上看不到心路歷程與衝突.
Gran torino (2008) 8.5/10
I have to say Clint Eastwood is one of the best US film director in our time, if not
the best!
Inland Empire (2007) 8.5/10
我還是必須說, David Lynch是當代美國最好的導演之一,如果不是最棒的那個....
恩 我剛剛也說過同樣的話.
所謂的天才大概就是如此,運用電影手法將所有毫無邏輯的橋段整理出數段夢靨般的場景.我完全說不出故事線是甚麼, 但是前後串聯起來又是如此的熟悉....那些你的夢境 你的恐懼 幻想.
大概沒有幾部動畫電影敢做這類內容與手法. 至於後半部似乎是要傳達失去摯愛之後,人生還是要積極地過下去的主題. 結果被那一連串沒有重點的追逐戲跟笑點給稀釋了.
也或許是我自己價值觀跟西方人差距太大,很難認同所謂life has to go on
歸鄉 Vozvrashcheniye (2003) 8/10
Valkyrie (2008) 6/10
導演似乎也只是想呈現一段歷史而並沒有更多的企圖, 我在主角身上看不到心路歷程與衝突.
Gran torino (2008) 8.5/10
I have to say Clint Eastwood is one of the best US film director in our time, if not
the best!
Inland Empire (2007) 8.5/10
我還是必須說, David Lynch是當代美國最好的導演之一,如果不是最棒的那個....
恩 我剛剛也說過同樣的話.
所謂的天才大概就是如此,運用電影手法將所有毫無邏輯的橋段整理出數段夢靨般的場景.我完全說不出故事線是甚麼, 但是前後串聯起來又是如此的熟悉....那些你的夢境 你的恐懼 幻想.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday to Ivan!
Last year he was born in Cedar-Sinai medical center. Birth weight 4 pounds.
At that time TsuiChun had already spent 1 whole month in bed, and several short stays in Garfield hospital and ER rooms.....Definitely the hardest time ever in out life.
But we made it. Ivan was born healthy and grows strong everyday.
Happy Birthday my baby! We love you sooo......much!
At that time TsuiChun had already spent 1 whole month in bed, and several short stays in Garfield hospital and ER rooms.....Definitely the hardest time ever in out life.
But we made it. Ivan was born healthy and grows strong everyday.
Happy Birthday my baby! We love you sooo......much!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Gobelin Annecey openings 2009
OK, maybe I'm spoiled by the high quality of their work so I am not very impressed by these....
Story and characters are still more important than the technique.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
random find
They're so beautiful I have to share:
Mogwai - Mogwai Fear Satan from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.
Sigur Ros - Við spilum endalaust - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Some white ass American should fuck themselves
It's hard to believe even at today, there are still American thought they were better than others, or white were better than any other color.
This fat American white ass who drove Chrsyler cruiser plate CA 5ZDL709 just proved how rude, under-educated, low-class they are.
This fat American white ass who drove Chrsyler cruiser plate CA 5ZDL709 just proved how rude, under-educated, low-class they are.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Uzak 遠方 (2002)

土耳其導演Nuri Bilge Ceylan 的劇情長片
沒有甚麼具體的故事 但是角色飽滿 每個鏡頭都美極了
觸不及的迷戀與目標 對舊愛的難捨 表面的理想光鮮與暗處的自私猥褻
第一個鏡頭從雪地里遠方走來的Yusuf開始 透過由遠而近的透視變化 給足了這個鏡頭的空間感

接著角色出鏡 鏡頭旋轉帶到一條公路 角色再度入鏡

這個鏡頭也是經由極端的景深 讓角色自然表演出敘事:Maumut對Yusuf抽菸不關門的不滿

Monday, May 18, 2009
CalArts producer show '09
I was lucky I had a chance to attend this event again after'07.
Overall the work is not as impressive as in '07. But there are some solid films got really unique design and technique in it. Like this one:
這是來自台灣的David Chao的作品!
Like Andrew Gordan mention in SplineDoctors blog, the animation in this year's film are not the top notched. But hey,I am just a lazy 3D animator I give all the students the highest repect. If I were student again and they ask me to do a film in a year, I will probably kill myself real soon.
Overall the work is not as impressive as in '07. But there are some solid films got really unique design and technique in it. Like this one:
This one time... from nelson boles on Vimeo.
and this one:
Low Oxygen from Dylan Forman on Vimeo.
這是來自台灣的David Chao的作品!
Like Andrew Gordan mention in SplineDoctors blog, the animation in this year's film are not the top notched. But hey,I am just a lazy 3D animator I give all the students the highest repect. If I were student again and they ask me to do a film in a year, I will probably kill myself real soon.
Back to work today
Luckily I don't have anything to do today, keep working on my own stuff.
Really, I want to finish my reel and find another job this year.
This is a good company, but I just can't stay here seeing myself decaying.....
TsuiChun said my work stops improving...that's really a shame. I have worked on several films and I still feel like I haven't done anything meaningful.
Really, I want to finish my reel and find another job this year.
This is a good company, but I just can't stay here seeing myself decaying.....
TsuiChun said my work stops improving...that's really a shame. I have worked on several films and I still feel like I haven't done anything meaningful.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
瘋狂星期八 by TT麻亞
Yesterday was my last day of vacation. Our food hunting trip lead us to 鼎泰豐 in Arcadia.
The food there tastes exactly the same like in Taiwan. The whole plaza are very Taiwanese, unlike those occupied by mainlander in Monterey Park or Alhambra.
And, I happened to find this book in the book store there.
It's been out of print for 13 years. I never got to see any image about it at all, only words from internet saying TT麻亞's ultimate talent.
I met her once in book festival around 98 or 99, when Jo Chen published her first comic in Taiwan. She is very kind and friendly. For us(me and my sister), she is just the legend in TW's comic world. We were so excited like fan boys just for talking with her.
I hope she can still drawing for comic world in Taiwan.
The food there tastes exactly the same like in Taiwan. The whole plaza are very Taiwanese, unlike those occupied by mainlander in Monterey Park or Alhambra.
And, I happened to find this book in the book store there.
It's been out of print for 13 years. I never got to see any image about it at all, only words from internet saying TT麻亞's ultimate talent.
I met her once in book festival around 98 or 99, when Jo Chen published her first comic in Taiwan. She is very kind and friendly. For us(me and my sister), she is just the legend in TW's comic world. We were so excited like fan boys just for talking with her.
I hope she can still drawing for comic world in Taiwan.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
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